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Our participation in Escoferia 2024, the Spanish trade fair dedicated to innovations for the world of installers, ended with great success. We presented our complete range of solutions for gas detection in domestic and industrial environments, with a special focus on the latest innovations in the field of standards.

Engineer Josep Ciurana Saurí, Product Manager of the GAS department at SALVADOR ESCODA S.A., gave a seminar entitled “Gas detection standards: applications and solutions”. The event attracted considerable interest, with all seats occupied by an attentive and participative audience. During the seminar, Engineer Ciurana Saurí addressed the subject of gas detection in a comprehensive and in-depth manner, illustrating the regulations in force, the different types of gas to be detected and the most suitable Beinat solutions for each case.

The speech by engineer Ciurana Saurí highlighted Beinat’s commitment to develop innovative solutions that guarantee maximum safety while complying with regulations. Our company confirms itself as a reference point in the gas detection sector, offering its customers reliable, cutting-edge products. Products that visitors and colleagues were also able to take a closer look at on our stand and receive more detailed information.

The broad participation in the seminar and the interest shown by the audience confirm that Beinat is a reliable and internationally recognised partner.

Our solutions are designed to ensure maximum safety in every environment, both domestic and industrial, in compliance with current regulations.

For more information about our products  visit our website or contact us. 

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